DSJ Noodle Machines Showcase Videos

Wheat Flour Category

DSJ Fried Instant Noodles Production Lines 


DSJ Heated-air-dried Easy Cooking Instant Noodles Production Lines 


DSJ Nonfried Instant Noodles Production Lines


DSJ Fresh Instant Noodles Production Lines 


DSJ Traditional Italian Dry Spaghetti Line / Chinese Dry Wheat Stick Noodle Line 挂面线

On YouTube:

On this site:

DSJ Pasta Production Line, Short & Long Products, Macaroni, Spaghetti, etc 


DSJ Corrugated Instant Vermicelli Block Production Line


DSJ Rice Stick Noodle Machine, Vermicelli Glass Noodle Production Line 粉丝、干河粉、 直条米粉 生产线

DSJ Instant Vermicelli Noodle Production Lines


DSJ Soft Fresh Rice Instant Noodle Machine / Reform Instant Rice Processing Line 鲜河粉线 /人造米线

DSJ Bagged Instant Noodle Packaging System 包装机: 袋装方便面/米粉/挂面包装线

DSJ Bowled/Cupped Noodle Packaging 碗面包装机

DSJ Seasoning Sachet Machine 酱包、粉包机

DSJ Fresh Noodle Packaging 新鲜方便面包装机

DSJ Cartoning Machines 装箱机

Other Food Machines 其它设备

Turnkey Projects Built With Machines Of Best Quality Made By DSJ Machinery And Selected Partners

This Video Archive contains footages of our noodle lines and vermicelli lines under installation, trial run and  production operation. Some of the video snapshots were taken with cellphone by our field engineers to show realistically our automatic production lines to you. If you have difficulty to access to videos on the archive please feel free to send us a message so that we will send our videos to you by email.